Sunday, September 13, 2009


I'm taking a break from painting my dining room.
After all of the classes I've taken and books I've read on 'how to have a happy husband', I'm throwing it all (or at least the stuff that says his thoughts about how things should look and be around here are twice as important as mine are) OUT - and painting it PINK!.  "They" seem to like to tell you to make sure everything the little woman does passes approval of the big guy.  All of that accumulation of info brought me to a place where I didn't give myself permission to do what I would like around the house.
The past couple of years have resulted in two renewed bathrooms and some other things that have given  "Whatever YOU (meaning me) want!" a very new meaning to me.
I like it.
I have to get back to the Pepto - I mean pink - painting.  The ceiling and woodwork are white so it isn't ALL pink. :)
ps.  He really doesn't care; in fact, he likes it.  After I convinced him to wear a pink button-down shirt --- and he disovered that he liked it and even wore them to work,  I shouldn't have been at all concerned.